Register in under 1 minute
All yellow fields * are mandatory
Step 1 :
Enter your company email you want to register with
Step 2 :
Choose an already registered company or register a new one
The following companies are using the same domain:
These companies are already registered. If you wish to register as a member of one of the companies below, please click on the company name:
Registration process for these companies has not been completed yet
If you wish to register a new company, please click here
Step 3 :
Fill in form fields
Verify that you are a human!
Drag into the target or double-click the
Step 4 :
Thank you!
Finally, you have to be validated so as to access Danaos Platform
You will be able to access Danaos Platform, upon your company authorized user approves you.
Please select three (3) companies to validate you:
Alternativelly, if you want to be validated by Danaos, please click here
Step 5 :
Thank you!
Your company will soon be part of Danaos Platform community. You will be informed via e-mail for the approval proccess.